Site:Home >  API Interface Description
Domain Name Parameters Details:
1.Below commands should include:
Username:Your cnobin account name     Password:Your cnobin account password (better by MD5)
2.Below parameters should be sent by post

Modify DNS record:

Input Parameters:

Param NameDefinitionMax Size
usernameyour cnobin account name15
passworddomain auth code15
domainnameThe requested domain name80
resolvetypeA,MX or CNAME or TXT5
resolvehoste.g. www, or mail5
resolveoldvalueoriginal value15
resolvevalueIt should be an IP address for A record, and host name for the other15
mxlevelIt is required for MX record5

Response codes and messages:

For successful command:
200 Command completed successfully

For missing attribute:
504 Missing required attribute
Message: Missing Attribute

For wrong attribute(such as wrong domain name):
505 Invalid attribute value syntax

For system is busy:
521 System is busy, try again later

For no authorization to modify the domain:
529 Operating Entity is not exist or Authorization failed

For expired domain:
574 domain is expired

For exsited DNS record:
555 Resolve record already exist

For faild command:
556 Dns Is Not Ours