Site:Home >  API Interface Description
Domain Name Parameters Details:
1.Below commands should include:
Username:Your cnobin account name     Password:Your cnobin account password (better by MD5)
2.Below parameters should be sent by post

Modify Billing Contact Information:

Input Parameters:

Enter the commands ahead of the following parameters to modify Billing contact info:

Param NameDefinitionMax Size
domainname The requested domain name 67
bill_fn First name 20
bill_ln Last name 20
bill_adr1 Address 255
bill_ct City 30
bill_st State 30
bill_co Country code, e.g. US or CN 2
bill_pc Postal code 15
bill_ph Phone number 25
bill_fax Fax number 25
bill_em Email address 80

Response codes and messages:

For successful modification:
200 Command completed successfully

For without the authorization:
529 Operating Entity is not exist or Authorization failed

For invalid attribute:
505 Invalid attribute value syntax

For system busy:
521 System is busy, try again later

For contact info in error format:
514 Invalid contact info